Superior Capsular Reconstruction is a procedure that has been recently described in the medical literature. It is a procedure that is indicated for young patients with irrepairable rotator cuff repairs. Previously for many of these patients there has not been suitable treatment alternatives available.
Superior Capsular Reconstruction (SCR) was first described by Dr Teru Mihata from Osaka Japan. He published his clinical review of patients he had treated in 2013. Dr Cutbush visited Dr Mihata to learn more about in October 2017. Dr Cutbush learned from Dr Mihata the critical importance of graft preparation from the fascia lata harvest from the patient’s own thigh. Preparation of the graft takes longer than the operation itself. The graft needs to be approximately 8mm thick or more and must be carefully prepared and quilted. Dr Cutbush spent several days with Dr Mihata learning the technical subtleties of the operative procedure.
In Australia a common graft alternative is a dermal allograft which is readily available and avoids the need for fascka lata graft harvest from the patient's thigh.