Please let us know the name and address of your physiotherapist when you make an appointment to see Dr Cutbush. If we have the details of your physiotherapist Dr Cutbush will be able to include them in his correspondence so that they are kept up to date with any developments in your shoulder condition. Your physio will also receive a copy of the operation report and a letter from Dr Cutbush regarding your surgery and your postop rehab needs. Your physiotherapist is a highly trained health professional and it is important that they receive the information they need to help them look after you and your shoulder rehab.
If you don’t have a regular physiotherapist Dr Cutbush and his staff can help you find a physiotherapist that Dr Cutbush works closely with. Having a physiotherapist and surgeon who communicate well and work together to fine tune your rehabilitation helps get you the best result after your shoulder surgery.
Are you having trouble remembering how to do your physio exercises? Here are some videos explaining some of the common shoulder exercises your physio will ask you to do.
You will need to refer to your exercise programme that your physiotherapist gave you. Many of these exercises are not suitable to begin straight after your shoulder surgery and you could risk your reconstruction if you start advanced exercises too soon after surgery. If you are not certain of your exercise programme please refer back to your physiotherapist. They are highly qualified professionals having spent many years at university learning how best to look after you!
A big thank you to our stars Lucy and Mary, physiotherapists from Extend therapy!