This morning at an early breakfast session at ACASEA 2017 Mumbai, I spoke about techniques that could be used to obtain surgical exposure in difficult shoulder replacement cases. It was nice to be able to share with my orthopaedic colleagues some of the experience I had gained from visiting other shoulder surgeons with significant experience in performing shoulder replacements procedures. In the last 6 months, I have visited and spent time in theatre learning about shoulder arthroplasty with:John Sperling, Mayo Clinic, USA;Michael Wiater, Detroit, USA;Quinn Throckmorton, Memphis, USA;David Schneider, Denver, USA;Hiro Sugaya, Tokyo, Japan;Arnaud Godeneche, Lyon, France;Jerome Garret, Lyon, France& I was fortunate to spend an afternoon with Gilles Walch, Lyon, France at his home discussing his concepts regarding shoulder replacement surgery.I have learnt a tremendous amount this year regarding shoulder replacement surgery from these very experienced shoulder surgeons.
ACASEA-2017-Intro-Exposure-Shoulder-CutbushfromKenneth CutbushonVimeo.