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Publication Latarjet & Labral Repair


Publication “Arthroscopic Latarjet Stabilization of the Shoulder with Capsulolabral Repair” September 2015Abstract: The arthroscopic Latarjet procedure is an evolving treat- ment for anterior shoulder instability in patients with significant gle- noid bone loss, or failed soft-tissue repair. The original description of the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure includes resection of the anterior capsule to simplify passage of the transferred coracoid through the subscapularis split. We describe a technical modification of the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure that includes repair of the anterior capsule at the conclusion of the operation.To view the publication please go to the Publications page.

Dr Cutbush has had an article published in the international scientific journal Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery Volume 16, Number 3, September 2015.The article is titled “Arthroscopic Latarjet Stabilization of the Shoulder with Capsulolabral Repair” and describes a technique that allows labral repair to be performed at the same time as an arthroscopic latarjet procedure. The original technique of Dr Lafosse is modified in its initial exposure so that the capsule and labrum is preserved such that it can be repaired once the coracoid bone block is transferred.The arthroscopic latarjet procedure is performed in patients with unstable shoulders with concomitant significant bone loss or in revision of failed previous repairs. The advantage of the labral repair is that it adds to the stability of the reconstruction. The additional stability provided by the repair is in the order of 10 to 20% on biomechanical testing. Repairing the capsule also has the effect of placing the graft in an extracapsular position that may aid union of the bone block to the glenoid thereby potentially reducing complications to patients.